The SYNERGIC trial is a national research study for older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

SYNERGIC 2.0 TRIAL (SYNchronizing Exercises, Remedies in GaIt and Cognition)
A Standardly Tailored, Single Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial
The SYNERGIC-2 trial will provide virtual, at-home interventions to 550 study participants with mild cognitive impairment, including personalized one-on-one coaching, to help make lifestyle and behavioural changes. This trial is being conducted by the Mobility, Exercise, and Cognition (MEC) Team which is part of the Canadian Consortium in Neurodegeneration and Aging (CCNA).
Dr. Montero-Odasso invites you to take part in a physical exercise study that may help to improve your memory and mobility!
For More Information, Please Contact:
Ph#: (519) 685 4292 ext. 45629
When you call in, you will be asked questions about your memory and general health. If eligible, you will be invited to visit the Gait & Brain Lab at Parkwood Institute.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Montero-Odasso, Geriatric Medicine, LHSC